Mountain Safety Council

One of our favourite quotes is 'Safety doesn't take a holiday', and also what young Molly Q says around here, 'Safety is sexy!'.
So it is no wonder we say a loud yes when the Mountain Safety Council asked us if we wanted to partner up!
The NZ Mountain Safety Council (MSC) is a national organisation who have been working for more than 50 years; with a mandate to encourage safe participation in land-based outdoor activities. They do this through the development and promotion of safety messaging by identifying and responding to insights provided by the ongoing collection and analysis of data and building partnerships with relevant organisations.
We believe the outdoors is for everyone and we like supporting initiatives that remove the barriers and help get people out and doing it. We are super lucky to have such a resource in NZ that takes all the guesswork out of being safe in the mountains so you can spend more time in the outdoors enjoying it!
If you need a refresher course in mountain safety or know someone who is new to the outdoors and could use a great resource, be sure to check out the MSC E-Learning resources - which are an interactive way to learn about mountain safety from what to pack to how to read topographical maps.
The MSC has an offshoot called The NZ Avalanche Advisory. This is another resource for mountain lovers and even has a free online beginners course in Avalanche safety where you can learn about avalanche forecasting, danger scales, danger types, and some of the mitigations available to those heading into the backcountry. (It's only a beginning point. If you want to seek further specific training, the NZAA can point you in the right direction!)