Aarn Packs Purchased In store - Thank you!
We Stock the full range of Aarn in our Christchurch Store come in and we will fit the pack correctly to you we have all sizes and can custom fit the pack for you.
We also have Demo packs so that if you are unsure about what will work for you it enables you to try before you buy just give us a ring on 03 338 1774 or pop in to look at the range.
See the pack and packet range HERE See the magic range HERE
Aarn Flow Bodypacks are the most efficient, comfortable, stable, practical and healthy way to carry load on the human body. They challenge traditional thinking on pack design.
Backpacks significantly disturb the posture, balance and movement of the body. Backpacks create leverages on the torso that act to distort the natural curve of the spine. Backpacks are a stressful and energy wasting way to carry a load. Real breakthroughs in load carrying only come by basing the design process on the findings of Biomechanics and Ergonomics.
For over 25 years Aarn have been conducting international research on load carriage in military and leisure settings. This has involved a wide range of laboratory and field studies of many types of load carriage systems. there research identified the principles of load carriage.
"As far as I am aware Aarn Bodypacks are the first to really put the principles into practice.” Professor Stephen Legg, Centre for Ergonomics, Occupational Safety and Health, Massey University, NZ Stated very simply, a load carrying system should not disturb the natural posture and movement of the body. So the load must be dispersed onto the skeletal structure in a balanced way around the vertical axis so that the loading on the body is only vertically downwards. This creates naturally balanced body friendly load carrying.
To this Aarn add flow motion systems so that body agility is not compromised. The result is naturally balanced body friendly flow motion load carrying. Our naturally balanced load carrying systems can no longer be called backpacks. We call them Flow Bodypacks.
Flow: * A pack which flows with body motion. Bodypack: * A pack which wraps around your body so that you can balance the weight in front and behind so that your posture and balance are unaltered by the load. * A pack where all body-contact parts can be customized to your torso size and shape for a perfect fit.